Welcome to our study!

Memory and Thinking

BASIC Cognitive is a research study being conducted to learn about how memory and thinking changes as Nueces County residents age. We also hope to learn about the experiences of caregivers or the people who help, like family members, neighbors, and friends. We want to understand how their needs are being met and what areas may require more attention.


We are continuing a long-term partnership with the Corpus Christi-Nueces County Public Health District. We have also partnered with Texas A&M Corpus Christi College of Science.

The University of Michigan has been conducting research in the Corpus Christi area under study leader Dr. Lewis Morgenstern since 1999. Many local residents have participated in our research which has resulted in many important scientific discoveries.

BASIC Cognitive staff pictured at press conference on January 14, 2020. Pictured from left to right, top to bottom: Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, Noemi Ybarra, Dr. Kim Onufrak, Denisse Martinez, Mercedes, Fonseca, Leslie Martinez, Hanna Davis, Nelda Garcia, Judge Barbara Canales, Ruth Longoria, Irma Mireles, Deidre Acosta, Alexis Enriquez, Elisa Silva

Participation (as of April 2023, new enrollment has paused)

We are currently recruiting participants for our study. To find out more click here. Our project has only been successful due to the significant contribution from many Nueces County residents who have participated in the study. We hope that you will also decide to participate. After we completely remove all names and any identifying information, the data collected as part of our study will be used by researchers, decision-makers, and government leaders to create policies that improve all our lives.

For additional information contact BASIC Cognitive Field Office. at 361-257-1239 or read our Frequently Asked Questions.

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